You're Almost There- You the YP!

OK let's review what got you here and set -up what has to happen next.

You have come a long way so no looking back

-You have applied the 5 STEP Game-Changer to do just that

-You have discovered the authentic you, applied your curious self to explore diversity empowering your creativity and innovation

- You are the Brand- Me Inc.- you know your attributes, refine and develop them. Gain mastery in one to be your competitive advantage

-You have developed networking to build relationships that Trump all

Golden Rolodex- your contacts, your community/Network 

- organize it, software program

- it's personal really a necessity, a life long companion, that needs care    (constant feeding) and commitment 

-it is played as a team sport, you are not alone you have company now you have a China team!

- You have opened your first Me. Inc. Portfolio it contains your JTC project created, packaged, marketed and sold by you- congrats! 

Now you are researching, doing business, finding answers, contacts etc. to deliver it. Be ready to hit the road again on landing in Canada meet those sponsors who gave you the chance –even if they asked for nothing in return – you show them real value for their buck! Hint describe your growth over the period of this project ask them how they think you did.

Add their validation of your project – this completed project in your Portfolio is a strong asset to play in a future resume and /or interview down the road.

It also paves the way to your growth as a YP 

Reflect on your GV experiences to date:

-    My project at JTC is challenging me in the following ways …name 2 ways

-    My rolodex has increased additions ..? in last 7 days

-    New stuff I have learned in last 7 days ? describe some

-    My public-local, regional, national- visibility program consists of ? describe 1or 2 things

-    My resume enhancing activities over the past days are? Describe 1-2